Monday, 29 August 2016

Jean-Guy RCMP, WTF!?

Hey Jean-Guy RCMP tell me it isn’t so:

You guys monitor what’s said on this blog; but you need the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to advise you when a known ISIS supporter, living in Canada under a peace-bond, posts to Social Media that he is ready to commit a terrorist attack, right under your noses. WTF?

Even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when asked to comment on the Aaron Driver case, had a hard time keeping a straight face when he said that balancing individual rights with keeping Canadians secure from bombing threats has to be handled with care.

"All Canadians expect their government to do two things — to keep Canadians safe and to defend and uphold the values and rights that all Canadians hold dear, getting that balance right isn't always easy in the challenging situation we now live in but it's extremely important."

We have to wonder what your police force does all day long, just the month prior to the Driver case (July 2016) Commissioner Bob Paulson had to publicly apologize for his forces egregious behaviour, which included nudity at RCMP bomb school. Makes us wonder if all you guys do is spend the day masturbating while watching those Karla Homolka sex tapes that you guys were supposedly order to destroy years ago...

Seriously you prefer monitoring a site that reports CRA corruption, in order to help the corrupted evade prosecution, but terrorism on our own soil, you ignore. Maybe it’s time your “proud” force should get its priorities straight.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Anything But Harper – a post election parting shot at an a-hole.

The following article was originally going to be posted during September 2015, but due to the Federal election we decided to delay it so that we wouldn’t run afoul, in any way, of the Canada Elections Act. Thankfully Harper is gone, he led the most secretive, divisive and hyper-partisan government in Canadian history. The article that follows might shed some light on why Mr. Harper was so secretive:





Unfortunately many of our colleagues and partners working at the CRA, Foreign Affairs, Ottawa HQ and Justice Canada are extremely cautious and are afraid to come forth with additional interesting stories fearing retaliation by Mr. Harper and his band of thugs.

As many of you already know all government communications (email, telephone calls, text messages and faxes) are monitored by internal affairs and the RCMP, 24/7. This monitoring policy is not limited to government employees; at times it is applied to all Canadians as well.


We all are aware of what the NSA did in the US; however Canadians are relatively clueless about what our spy agency is doing here. Our sources have informed us that law enforcement officials and their counterparts regularly show up unannounced at Bell Canada, TELUS and Rogers, without a search warrant to obtain telephone records of individuals. The employees working for our telecommunications companies feel intimidated and bullied by these officers. Despite having reservations, they simply give out the information because they are afraid of law enforcement. Our sources have also described in detail some of the special installations and locations that have been built and created for the purpose of intercepting all forms of communications where data is analyzed and stored; disregarding all privacy concerns under the guise of National Security.

One such location in Quebec that we are aware of is in the downtown Montreal Bell Canada tower on De-La-Gauchetiere Street; entire floors have been dedicated for monitoring phone conversations.

So, what happened to our privacy and freedoms? It seems as though Mr. Harper flushed that down the drain by giving into mounting requests for additional funds and powers demanded by law enforcement.

More importantly, why did Harper do this? It seems that according to our friends in Ottawa, Mr. Harper has skeletons in his closet which have been uncovered by the RCMP and CSIS that are being used to blackmail the Prime Minister on a regular basis. Specifically they uncovered a special relationship between Mr. Harper, Dr. Arthur Porter and the Conservative party of Canada.

AP Arthur Porter who was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone became a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, when in 2008 Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed him to Canada’s Security Intelligence Review Committee; Porter resigned as chair of the Security Intelligence Review Committee in November 2011.

Where did all the millions of dollars in commissions paid to SNC Lavalin for building the Montreal’s ‘superhospital’ really go? Apparently there was a secret war chest fund set up to pay the Conservative election campaign (all those TV advertisements you saw at all times of the day). There is also a golden parachute account set up for high ranking members of the Conservatives party of Canada.

So now we understand why all the special legislation that has been adopted by the government giving more and more powers to law enforcement, especially the RCMP. Hence the government is basically being held hostage by the police.

This is scary stuff to say the least.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Tom Glowacki

As you all know, our colleague Tom Glowacki is an auditor working for the SR&ED department at the Montreal Tax Service Office for the past 16 years or so.

For those of you who don’t know Tom – Tom has had no other ambition in life other than to remain as a low level auditor in the same department; so we were shocked to see Tom was proactively posting newspaper articles of ex-employees facing legal battles, laughing and mocking their demise, and boasting to everyone at the office that they got what they deserved.

Perhaps he may have a point, however we feel that he should join them as well. You see, for the longest time, Tom and Vince Belmonte (who is an SR&ED consultant) have been very close acquaintances and financial partners as well.

Over the years, Tom and Vince have been seen at restaurants enjoying a nice meal, going to bars to have a drink and the occasional game of golf (a few times a year). Furthermore we can confirm that Tom has received financial compensation from Mr. Belmonte, not only in the form of cash but also Tom was given a special credit card so he could make personal purchases when he needed to.

These facts can all be corroborated by simply looking at the inventory of SR&ED files Tom has “audited” in the past where the representative on the file was Vince Belmonte. You see, Tom knew exactly which files to select for his audits. How was he able to do that? Where did he get his list from? The facts will speak for themselves in due course.

In addition, Tom did not limit his moonlighting services to Mr. Belmonte’s firm only; there are at least 2 other firms which he provided special services to, and from whom he’s received compensation.

So our message to our esteemed colleague Mr. Tom Glowacki: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Hope you will enjoy your upcoming retirement, Tom.

Perhaps now you finally can go work directly for Vince Belmonte as you have expressed to us on so many occasions. Ciao buddy!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Salut Guylaine Gaudreault



It has been a while since we’ve updated our blog and for that we must apologize. Rest assured we haven’t retired and there are more articles to come.

Speaking of retirement, we would like to wish Guylaine Gaudreault a very happy and pleasant retirement. By the way, that email that was sent to us by CRA management (announcing her retirement) was very strange; short and sweet. Although she is not yet 55 years of age, Guylaine has suddenly and unexpectedly decided to hang up her G-string at the Canada Revenue Agency; hope this blog had something to do with it. ;)

Where will her retirement party be held at?

Who will be invited?   Who will attend??

Hope that she will be happy in her new functions in life.

What will happen to her hapless incompetent sidekick Raymonde?

Arrivederci! “Ma chère Guylaine c’est à ton tour…”

Enjoy your furniture.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Cirque du Soleil


Écoute Jean-Guy RCMP, j’ai aucune idée de quoi tu parles, mais il y’a plusieurs choses que les CLOWNS chez vous front bien:

  • Abuser leurs collègues féminines
  • Prendre avantages des prostitues
  • Mentir en cour et aux juges
  • Voler l’argent saisie lors de perquisitions
  • Faire partir d’un service de tueurs a gage
  • Dénoncer leur propre mère, père et autres membres de la famille pour avancer leurs carrières de CLOWNS

P. Ne cherche pas d’emploie au Cirque du Soleil, ils ne veulent pas de rats.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Votre Reponse





Ben oui, on a trouvé une au crique qui se trouve au 4225 Boul. Dorchester Ouest avec des clowns qui sont déjà là.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Message Pour Pierre Gaboriault

Pierre Gaboriault, est-ce que tu dors bien avec Guylaine Gaudreault sur des meubles fournit par Mobilia? 

Quelqu’un devrait enquêter sur ce dossier…

Pierre, tu devrais chanter pour Guylaine:

Pour toi Guylaine



La Donna e « MOBILIA »

Elle a des nouveaux meubles

Pas besoin payé pour les meubles

Vérification fini

Ya très peu changement




Vérification fini

Ya très peu changement


La Donna e « MOBILIA »

Livraison es gratuit

Tout est gratuit


Pas besoin payé pour les meubles

Vérification fini

Ya très peu changement




Vérification fini

Ya très peu changement


Ya pas

Ya pas

Ya très peu changement