The following article was originally going to be posted during September 2015, but due to the Federal election we decided to delay it so that we wouldn’t run afoul, in any way, of the Canada Elections Act. Thankfully Harper is gone, he led the most secretive, divisive and hyper-partisan government in Canadian history. The article that follows might shed some light on why Mr. Harper was so secretive:
Unfortunately many of our colleagues and partners working at the CRA, Foreign Affairs, Ottawa HQ and Justice Canada are extremely cautious and are afraid to come forth with additional interesting stories fearing retaliation by Mr. Harper and his band of thugs.
As many of you already know all government communications (email, telephone calls, text messages and faxes) are monitored by internal affairs and the RCMP, 24/7. This monitoring policy is not limited to government employees; at times it is applied to all Canadians as well.
We all are aware of what the NSA did in the US; however Canadians are relatively clueless about what our spy agency is doing here. Our sources have informed us that law enforcement officials and their counterparts regularly show up unannounced at Bell Canada, TELUS and Rogers, without a search warrant to obtain telephone records of individuals. The employees working for our telecommunications companies feel intimidated and bullied by these officers. Despite having reservations, they simply give out the information because they are afraid of law enforcement. Our sources have also described in detail some of the special installations and locations that have been built and created for the purpose of intercepting all forms of communications where data is analyzed and stored; disregarding all privacy concerns under the guise of National Security.
One such location in Quebec that we are aware of is in the downtown Montreal Bell Canada tower on De-La-Gauchetiere Street; entire floors have been dedicated for monitoring phone conversations.
So, what happened to our privacy and freedoms? It seems as though Mr. Harper flushed that down the drain by giving into mounting requests for additional funds and powers demanded by law enforcement.
More importantly, why did Harper do this? It seems that according to our friends in Ottawa, Mr. Harper has skeletons in his closet which have been uncovered by the RCMP and CSIS that are being used to blackmail the Prime Minister on a regular basis. Specifically they uncovered a special relationship between Mr. Harper, Dr. Arthur Porter and the Conservative party of Canada.
Arthur Porter who was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone became a member of the
Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, when in 2008 Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed him to Canada’s
Security Intelligence Review Committee; Porter resigned as chair of the Security Intelligence Review Committee in November 2011.
Where did all the millions of dollars in commissions paid to SNC Lavalin for building the Montreal’s ‘superhospital’ really go? Apparently there was a secret war chest fund set up to pay the Conservative election campaign (all those TV advertisements you saw at all times of the day). There is also a golden parachute account set up for high ranking members of the Conservatives party of Canada.
So now we understand why all the special legislation that has been adopted by the government giving more and more powers to law enforcement, especially the RCMP. Hence the government is basically being held hostage by the police.
This is scary stuff to say the least.