Thursday, 13 February 2014

Introduction 02-13-2014

This blog was put together to document the wrongdoings and cover ups by the government of Canada. It documents just a little of what is going on at the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) Montreal Tax Service Office (TSO). The situation at the Montreal TSO was so bad that in June 2012 the CRA announced job cuts eliminating the Montreal Special Enforcement division responsible for many of the issues brought up here; this is the audit division which hid the fact that most audits were truly just criminal investigations.

Whether it be counselling their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses, acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO… the CRA has no limits to what it is willing to do to win at all costs.

The CRA recently counselled employees in its Laval TSO to ignore section 241 of the law and speak to the RCMP; even though doing so could result in termination of the employee. Despite the CRA denial, the RCMP “need only ask and they shall receive” when it comes to protected information in the CRA databases. The CRA regularly provides RCMP with taxpayer information, despite assurances that taxpayer information is held in the strictest confidentiality.

When you send in your tax return you might as well send a copy to the RCMP, because audit findings are regularly shared with police; in fact, the RCMP share an office (in the Montreal burrow of Nun’s Island) along with several members of the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office Special Investigations unit. And you can be sure that if it’s happening in Montreal, it’s happening all over Canada.

Next time the CRA comes to audit you, you won’t know whether it’s really an audit or a criminal investigation disguised as an audit; for instance recently the CRA has hired a new auditor at its Montreal TSO. This individual used to work as an RCMP analyst in Ottawa; now we can’t be sure what would motivate a person to apply for a pay cut, but if we were the suspicious type: maybe this person has been hired to do more than just audits. Maybe this person should be asked to investigate how classified and protected information managed to be stolen from the Montreal Tax Service Office’s on René-Lévesque boulevard in the fall of 2011; since (to date) no one has been held accountable; despite the fact that the CRA offices are protected by security guards and cameras. Every detail of the case suggests collusion between CRA senior management and security officials at the TSO. We believe that some of these same individuals supplied an identity theft ring with taxpayer information that also, “just walked out of the front door” of the Montreal TSO.

In this blog you will find over 20 letters addressed to the Commissioner Canada Revenue Agency; these letters didn’t get much of a reaction, or get the changes we wished for, possibly due to the fact that (as we discovered) she was part of the problem and the cover up.

The letter dated October 26, 2011, to the then RCMP Commissioner speaks of a CRA manager who conspired with the then Montreal TSO director to interfere with R&D staff, for their personal mutual benefit. The letter dated September 22, 2010, shows how she was foiled from giving a taxpayer over $100 million dollar break for buying her lunch (what else was she going to receive had she been successful?).

The letter dated November 10, 2011, includes a spreadsheet detailing which former employees of the CRA received (conspired to steal) nearly $1.2 million dollars, for services never rendered, and which they weren’t allowed to receive; and never asked to repay.

If you are a racist, you will enjoy the letter dated October 30, 2012, “CRA promotes racism”, which discusses the promotion received by one openly anti-Semitic employee of the Montreal TSO. You might also enjoy our article entitled “Millionaires waiting to move to Canada, so the CRA can tax them. It discusses how the CRA is targeting 15,000 mainly Asian investors coming to Canada.

See our letter dated June 16, 2010, which shows the director of the Montreal TSO was “buddy buddy” with a convicted money launderer. And, the June 4, 2010 letter, discloses how he managed to give away $57 million to a billionaire, for his personal gain.

See letter dated September 6, 2011, it shows that when dealing with the file of one wealthy individual an auditor received a warning from a tug appearing at his home to “back off or else”. Why do some corporations belonging to the wealthiest families pay no tax? Get audited almost every years? (Even though, apparently, very little is ever found). Have, in the past, hired the same auditors that have just finished auditing their corporations (with no red flags are ever raised).

See the letter dated February 16, 2010, which speaks of 2 special investigators who had asked for a $150,000 bribe, for which these employees received no suspension, and hardly any investigation.

There’s simply too much to write about in this introduction. Do yourself a favour print the entire site and you will have days of reading. And, when you re-read it a few days later, you’ll find how much corruption you missed the first time...

The CRA tells employees “break the law”


Whether it be counselling their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses, acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO… the CRA has no limits to what it is willing to do to to win at all costs.

The CRA regularly provides RCMP with taxpayer information, despite assurances that taxpayer information is held in the strictest confidentiality. Even ignoring the fact that sharing information with the RCMP is, in most cases, against the law.

So we were really not very surprised when the letter above was circulated to several employees of the CRA. The CRA is now counselling employees to ignore section 241, break the law and speak to the RCMP; even though doing so could result in termination of the employee or even criminal charges. It looks like the CRA will search to the lowest end of the gene pool to find an employee that would be willing to sign such a letter.

Additionally, some union stewards actually told union members that they had no choice but to cooperate with the RCMP. Imagine that, unlike other Canadians, (even murderers, drug dealers, and rapists, politicians included) a CRA employee does not have the right against self-incrimination guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (remember that fact the next time you renew your contract).

Instead of counselling employees on breaking the law, maybe employees should be counselled on their rights when being questioned by the RCMP, or CRA internal investigators who immediately turns over what’s been told to them to the RCMP.

As for taxpayer information being shared with the police. We just had to laugh when we saw the article below. Trust us the police and the CRA collaborate on files all the time. When you send in your tax return you might as well send a copy to the RCMP, because audit findings are regularly shared with police; in fact, the RCMP share an office (in the Montreal burrow of Nun’s Island) along with several members of the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office Special Investigations unit. And you can be sure that if it’s happening in Montreal, it’s happening all over Canada.

Roughly 15 years ago, when the union brought up the subject of Special Investigation employees giving information to the RCMP (to the then head of the Montreal Special Investigations department), they were told that he was aware of what was going on, he had warned the employees involved, and as far as he was concerned - if the news ever got out, would deny any knowledge of the illegal sharing of information that was going on, and the employees involved were on their own because he could not protect them.

Even more interesting, when the illegal criminal investigation of the Italian employees of the Montreal TSO began in 2006, the now retired employee leading the investigation was housed by the RCMP in Nun’s Island. Oddly enough that employee was, at one time accused of using the CRA database, for his own personal gain, that employee even had the Sûreté du Québec conduct a search in his home for evidence. That said, today, the CRA employ a person who was convicted of the gang rape of a minor! This fact was and is well known at the highest levels of management in Montreal (both CRA and RCMP); however nothing is done about rectifying the situation because that employee is not part of the ‘ethnic community’ that is so despised in the Montreal.

Furthermore, the RCMP will often use the CRA to do what it can’t do directly, even though they’re not allowed to do so. In investigating the former employees of the Montreal TSO, the RCMP got CRA employees to consult FINTRAC “Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada”, even though FINTRAC’s records are barred except in drug trafficking, money laundering, and terrorism cases. Additionally the RCMP got CRA employees to give them information which they directly could not get without first getting a warrant.

Finally, we have documentary evidence that the RCMP have used the news media illegally, providing them with leaked (and sometimes false) information, and we have strong circumstantial evidence that the CRA has done the same (ex-employees and private taxpayers). RCMP, CRA and the news media working a file together.

Next time the CRA comes to audit you, you might be told that you are under audit, but you won’t know for sure if it’s really an audit or is it a criminal investigation disguised as an audit. Maybe you should just refuse to be audited…