Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Hey Gabe

It’s come to our attention that you’ve been telling people that our blog posting are a bunch of lies. You might have a right to your opinion, but as Assistant Commissioner Canada Revenue Agency for Quebec when you make your opinion known during office hours we have an issue with that.

We will soon be providing proof of many of the things that have been said on this blog. Thanks Gabe, we needed a push; just give is a few months; maybe we should consider publishing the name of the audits, where you influenced other auditors to “go easy”, because it was your friends being audited.

In the meantime maybe you can get the CRA to stop all the delay tactics in court. I’m specifically referring to the B T Ceramics case being heard in Laval, the CRA has delayed this case so many times that it continues to drag on even though we originally expected it to end in May 2013. Now we wait for the CRA’s final arguments; the defendants made theirs in December 2014. Can you see to it that your organization gets their closing arguments done… people who claim that others are engaged in criminal activity shouldn’t use the court system to delay justice. Besides, isn’t it the CRA’s and MRQ’s lawyers who fear being disbarred?

Additionally we will see other cases heading before the courts this year (as early as June 8, 2015), unless of course the prosecution is planning on delaying that process too. We’re confident that there must be a mountain of evidence against the former employee charged in that case. We say this because in the entire history of Revenue Canada (in the many organizational forms that it has gone through in the past 100+ years) we presume that there must have been maybe 20,000 employees fired for similar conduct, and none (to our knowledge) has ended before the courts.

The fact that Yvon Talbot, Ghyslain Goddard and others have admitted to destroying evidence and have committed perjury during the recent trial, and to date none of them have been punished… we can only imagine what this former employee has done to warrant criminal charges! Maybe we’ve spoken too soon and you’re planning on firing the employees that lied in court. Then in that case, we hope you do it soon.

Finally Gabe, a word of advice – you should rethink a few of the things you do. You should decline this year’s invitation to the Honda Gabriel Golf Tournament because your participation in the past was a direct violation of the CRA’s conflict of interest policy. Also with regards to the recent passing of your father Umberto: Maybe you should rethink where you decide to expose your loved ones not that we have a problem with the place (the Loreto Funeral home) but you might remember that in 2011 a tax auditor was reprimanded in the French media in part for having audited a company leasing office space from the Rizzuto family...

See a double standard here?



Pour avoir détruit des documents appartenant à l’Agence du Revenu du Canada, et avoir menti devant la cour du Québec,

Salut mon Yvon, c’est a ton tour de collecter ton 4%!

4 percent charlie

Bon Départ.

Message a Guy Veillette:

Pauvre Guy forcer a repayé $380 de dépenses refusé pour l’achat de tes cigares.

Le Cave


Maybe someone can find out if there is any policy on gambling on CRA property. Especially gambling with money received from taxpayer’s (bribes).

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Mulroney… again…

We recently blogged about the tax amnesty deal negotiated by tax attorney Wilfrid Lefebvre on behalf of ex-prime minister of Canada Brian Mulroney. At the time, we decide to cover only half the story, today we’ll report the other half, and this time we’ll also link Lyin’ Brian with Carole Gouin - former director of the Montreal Tax Service Office . You may remember Carole Gouin from a blog posting we made in June 2014 which eluded to inappropriate behaviour on her part.

At the same time as the Mulroney negotiations were in progress, Wilfrid Lefebvre was negotiating another voluntary disclosure, closely associated with Lyin’ Brian’s deal, for the firm of Ogilvy Renault; the firm where Lyin’ Brian became a partner after leaving politics; the firm where Lyin’ Brian had begun his law career in 1964; the same firm where Maitre Lefebvre now practices (now called Norton Rose Fullbright, since the June 1, 2011 merger). What a tangled web of lies and deceit…

Because of Lyin’ Brian voluntary disclosure, Ogilvy Renault had to come clean on a tax problem they had with regards to Provincial Income Allocation: The firm did not declare all its income to the province of Quebec. Ogilvy Renault saved taxes every year by attributing 50% of their income to Quebec and 50% to Ontario (where tax rates were more favourable); whereas in truth the allocation was closer to 90% Quebec, 10% Ontario. The law partnership knowingly falsified these ratios to cheat Quebec out of its share of income taxes, it was no secret that the firm did far more business in Quebec than Ontario.

Now the odd thing about both voluntary disclosures was that Madame Gouin decided that she would personally handle their filing; and just as things couldn’t get any more curious we discovered that the accountant who worked on correcting Ogilvy’s Provincial Income Allocation was none other than her common-law spouse, Mr. Veillette (at Samson Belair).

Madame Gouin personally arranged that the voluntary disclosure was accepted by the CRA, thus ensuring that Revenue Quebec would not come back and penalize the $1,000,000 of unpaid taxes. For practical reasons only the managing partners (roughly 10 of the over 200 various partners) at Ogilvy Renault were reassessed for the $1,000,000 owed.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

RCMP CRA conspire to fabricate evidence

Today’s blog entry is a true story about what happened to a tax auditor in December 2011 working at the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office (TSO). The auditor was targeted by the CRA's Internal Affairs and Fraud Prevention Department's investigator Pierre Léveillé when the auditor turned whistle blower: he distributed documents, that he had received in the mail, alleging that the director of the Montreal TSO, Mr. Patrice Chouinard, had helped his entourage at the Laval TSO steal $1.2 million.

Note: Pierre Léveillé was the IAFPD investigator who made the remark that there were too many Italians in management at the Montreal TSO; in addition to other racist comments he's made in the past regarding Italian employees. There are sworn affidavits to this effect. The auditor in our story was of Italian decent. See a problem here? The CRA didn’t; their view was that the racism displayed by Léveillé was just an interview tactic! We have than in black and white; imagine the level of intelligence of the senior Ottawa civil servant willingly putting that in writing!

So, to get back to our story, we’ll quickly summarize the most outrageous accusation made by the IAFPD investigator:

Mr. Léveillé accused the auditor of losing protected CRA property when he left the Montreal TSO a few nights earlier. Mr. Léveillé also let the auditor know that the documents had been found and returned to the Montreal TSO by a passerby walking in downtown Montreal (a couple of kilometers from the office). Additionally, all of this had been captured on a building's security camera.

The accusation was later withdrawn for the following reasons:

  • The alleged video from the building security camera turned out to be a video made from someone’s iPhone; all those who have seen it have told us that it was a poor attempt to create a video of an event which never happened, in essence it was a complete fabrication and a poorly done one at best.
    • The video did not capture the auditor losing protected information as Mr. Léveillé had claimed. The video began with a briefcase on the sidewalk in front of some establishment in downtown Montreal (how it got there was apparently not important to the IAFPD); a shadowy figure (who remains unidentified to this day) walks up to the briefcase, opens it, shuffles through the papers and leaves the scene with it.
  • When the briefcase was returned to the Montreal TSO; it was brought directly to Mr. Chouinard's office, bypassing the usual protocol for lost and stolen items. Security personnel had been pre-alerted that missing documents were coming back to the office that day; they were told not to get any information which might identify the person who found the “lost” briefcase containing the documents.
  • Finally, Mr. Léveillé and Mr. Chouinard obviously forgot that the Montreal TSO is equipped with security cameras and security guards. The office is used to guard sensitive taxpayer information. The security cameras showed that the auditor had not left the building with the briefcase containing the documents in question.

We believe this incident is just one reason why Pierre Léveillé is no longer working for the CRA; but don’t worry about him because the CRA doesn’t fire accomplices, they just reassigned them to other divisions of the Canadian government.

So you might wonder why we are bringing this up now, 3 years after the fact.

We were recently shown an email (obtained though the Access to Information Act) from Constable Pierre Breton, of the RCMP, to Pierre Léveillé which clearly indicates that the RCMP was aware that evidence was being fabricated, and furthermore was requesting that Mr. Léveillé change the time stamp on the video... Imagine the RCMP asking that already fake evidence be modified some more. The email is in several people’s hands including some attorneys in the Montreal area.

If you are willing to share fabricated evidence or are willing to provide perjured statement(s), we urge you to contact Constable Pierre Breton of the RCMP.