Monday, 16 February 2015

Guylaine Gaudreault


The above paragraph is taken from a letter to (then) RCMP Commissioner William J.S. Elliott; the letter can be viewed in its entirety online here. 

We published that letter in May 2013 and ever since we’ve been trying to get the employees of Montreal Tax Service Office’s R&D department to supply us with proof that Guylaine Gaudreault had (in the past) taken it upon herself to override the opinion of R&D scientific advisors and accord tax credits to ineligible taxpayers.

We’ve been frustrated all the way; the employees of that department remain a very tight lipped group.

So just when we were about to give up, we heard from a member of management of the Montreal TSO, who informed us that he was aware that Guylaine was taking it upon herself to override R&D scientific advisors and issue tax credits to undeserving taxpayers; furthermore stating that it was no secret to anyone in management that she was doing so. According to the managers we spoke to, Guylaine doesn’t try to hide what she was doing; confidently stating that she takes responsibility for the audit cases in question...

So what does that mean?

Is she going to pay back the millions of dollars that she has apparently given away. It is preposterous that such a situation exists at the CRA. A person with no scientific training, overrides the professional opinion of the scientific advisor, and not only is this known around the office, but she keeps getting promotions!

The Conservative government, in Ottawa, have stated that they are committed to cracking down on any misconduct by officials and cleaning up the situation at the CRA…

From where we sit it looks like they’re about as competent at doing that, as OJ Simpson was when he stated that he was going to work hard at finding who really killed his ex-wife, and then spent the summer golfing…

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