Vic Toews owes ANONYMOUS an apology.
Saturday, 25 May 2013
CRA up to their usual lies… now lying to YOUTUBE.
The CRA had 2 videos obtained legally by an employee of the Montreal Tax Service Office, through the access to information act, removed from; falsely identifying the material as infringing copyright.
Despite the fact that filing a false or bad-faith notice could result in severe legal consequences (as the note above mentions), the CRA couldn’t care less about the law…The CRA regularly counsels its employees to commit perjury, and human rights abuses. The CRA is willing to tolerate acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, and even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO…
Way to go, CRA!!!!
Meanwhile, the CRA are in fact the party who may be infringing because some of the videos produced by the Montreal TSO infringed on the images of Batman and Robin, and possibly other characters.
Oddly enough a similar video was produced by the US tax department (IRS) and can be found on YOUTUBE. Too bad the Harper government can't be as forthright with Canadians.
So while we don't have the embarrassing videos to show you we can show you the introductions that went with the videos, below:
Millionaires waiting to move to Canada, so CRA can tax them
Just a warning to all those new immigrant millionaires coming to Canada, Ottawa wants more of your money.
Below you can see a document with just a few of the 15,000 individuals that were considered for audit in the Quebec region. Immigrant millionaires (mainly Asians and Arabs) who’d settled in Quebec were considered by the CRA as good candidates for audit.
Just an idea of what the Federal Conservative party thinks of immigrants. Let them pay a fee to come to Canada and then we’ll have the Quebec racists ravage them for more money once they’re here.
Wonder what happened to that audit project? Did things get too out of control when the list got out into public hands? Was it put on hold? Maybe the New Democrat MP and Critic for National Revenue, Hoang Mai (Brossard – La Prairie) can voice his concern about citizens with his background being targeted by Quebec CRA officials.
In Washington, Obama condemned the IRS tax agency for targeting tea party and other conservative groups, and has pledged to hold “those responsible for these failures accountable”; we have to wonder if Steven Harper would do the same (re. targeting of immigrants by CRA.).
Kangaroo Court
First off let we must apologize to the animal lovers for the characterization of the kangaroo (above); rest assured no animals were injured in the making of the kangaroo video.
We are especially apologetic to 1 of the CRA females mentioned in this blog (even though she is corrupt), because it appears as though she is a big animal lover. At least that is what we believe, since so many her subordinates have told us that she has brought her big ass to every position that she has filled at the CRA.
BC Medical Marijuana Growers beware the CRA and RCMP are watching you.
BC Marijuana growers beware> The information you are getting from the tax agency is false and filling an income tax return could land you in big trouble.
First of all, the agency spokesman who stated in the following newspaper article that the CRA must keep all tax information confidential is lying. The Canadian Income Tax Act, under 241(4)(p), allows the CRA to provide taxpayer information to a police officer prior to the laying of charges in cases of drug offences, money laundering, and terrorism.
In fact even in most cases where they are braking the law, the CRA regularly provides RCMP with taxpayer information, despite assurances that taxpayer information is held in the strictest confidentiality.
The CRA counsels their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses; and tolerates acts of harassment (even sexual harassment), physical assault of female employees. The CRA has no limits to what it does; the law is little deterrence.
As for taxpayer information being shared with the police. Trust us the police and the CRA collaborate on files all the time. When you send in your tax return you might as well send a copy to the RCMP, because information is regularly shared with police; in fact, the RCMP share an office (in the Montreal burrow of Nun’s Island) along with several members of the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office Special Investigations unit. And you can be sure that if it’s happening in Montreal, it’s happening all over Canada.
Me Francois Lanthier
Has anyone seen Francois Lanthier, that witty Canada Revenue Agency lawyer who, in 2011, tried to hide the fact that the Special Investigations audit of BT Ceramics Inc. was in fact a criminal investigation from the start. Of course the Montreal TSO Special Investigators were doing this, and continue to do this, on many cases; seems like the CRA is hell bent on breaking the law.
To his credit, at the start of the trial Me Lanthier had no idea that the accused had documents to prove the illegal misdeeds of the CRA audit team; not only had they conducted a criminal case without informing the taxpayer, but the taxpayers case had itself been transformed into a hidden investigation on the Italian employees of the Montreal TSO. Unfortunately for the CRA the facts about the case, and how the RCMP were duped into aiding the French employees settle a score with the Italians, (even going so far as to drive Patrice Chouinard to the location where he committed illegal acts) will someday be heard in open court.
As for Me Lanthier, I guess when he got caught lying in court, even the criminals who control the CRA couldn’t keep him around.
Let's see what the courts had to say
In Quebec everything is corrupt. The RCMP, the politicians (especially the politicians), the tax authorities, even the prosecutors.
Oh, by the way, Me Lanthier was a regular member of a group, mostly CRA Special Investigators, who would meet weekly to play cards in the evening. Our informants tell us that Me Lanthier would regularly divulge confidential information about tax files that he was working on. At least, to his credit, Me Lanthier never never took part in the daily card games (which included betting) at noon in the Montreal TSO Special Investigation’s vault on the 5th floor.
P.S. Maybe Pierre Leveille (if he’s not too busy chasing Italians – who he openly admits to hating) can find out if there is any policy on gambling on CRA property. Especially gambling with money received from taxpayer’s (bribes).
Joe Schwarcz
While the Parti Quebecois commits these linguistic atrocities, the Federal government remains silent…
Well put Joe, and very true. The Federal government was quick to characterize the leader of the opposition (Thomas Mulcair) as a traitor to his country, when he expressed his opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline on a recent his trip to Washington. But is oddly silent when it comes to Pauline Marois’ (the leader of the separatist movement in Canada) continuous xenophobic comments over the past year. We also haven’t heard the federal government call Amir Khadir a terrorist, even though he planed to table a motion in the legislature in recognition of Paul Rose, the convicted FLQ terrorist and murderer who died on Thursday March 14, 2013. ODD.
Why is Quebec so corrupt, just look at its politics.
So what’s this got to do with taxes?:
Well It starts at the top in Ottawa, where the Federal government allows Canadian taxpayers in other provinces to prop-up provincial governments who hate them. Nice system of taxation, brought to you in part by the CRA.
Memo to Carole Bartolini
BTW, on the subject of Talbot… when is someone at the government going to do something about this guy. For years taxpayers have been complaining about his abuses.
Does this turkey ever tell the truth? He’s been known to add assets not belonging to the taxpayer when doing Net Worth audits, for example putting one’s parents’ home and property on a son’s net worth, in order to inflate his audit findings.
If you compare his audit findings to the results after appeals, he must be in the lead when it comes to the lowest percentage of audit changes maintained at the appeals level.
He lies continuously. The CRA has in its possession a letter from a well-known tax lawyer, which states in part that in his long history of dealing with the CRA and Revenue Quebec; he has never met an auditor that is basically has dishonest and incompetent. Yet still nothing has been done.
He lies continuously, even after being torn apart by the judges in some of his case: Have a look at Canlii case: Douville (Re), 2009 FC 986.
In one case, the wife whose husband’s corporation was being “audited”/criminally investigated by Mr. Talbot complained to a tax consultant that he often spent long periods basically staring at her chest. Even the CRA should understand that a tax audit should not be a violation.
And when will the CRA address an issue which is much more common than the few instances of auditors taking bribes; auditors inflating their audit findings. Talbot is not the only one, even though he’s one of the bigger offenders. Despite the few cases in the news, many lives have been destroyed by auditors inflating their assessments; it’s like putting an innocent man in jail. Yet the CRA has done nothing about this.
My God, Talbot has been a special investigator for almost 10 years but can’t correctly identify a shareholder appropriation!
February 14, 2013
These are just 2 of the videos that were posted to YouTube:
Revenue Canada wants the shirt off your back
This is part 5 of a 6 part training video created under the direction of Patrice Chouinard, the director of Revenue Canada's Tax Service Office in Montreal. These videos were designed to specifically instructs employees that there was a new guy in charge (Patrice Chouinard) and employees were to disregard taxpayer's rights and the agency's values. This video shows a taxpayer walking out of the Montreal office, after a meeting with a collections agent - the taxpayer is left with nothing but his briefcase.
The message is clear the Harper Government wants nothing less than every last penny the Canadian taxpayer has. Well maybe not every penny, the collections agent who treated this case does offer him a metro ticket so he can make his way home. I guess Revenue Canada wants us to know that they have a sense of humour.
Revenue Canada thinks Canadians are all crooks
This is part 3 of a 6 part training video created under the direction of Patrice Chouinard, the director of Revenue Canada's Tax Service Office in Montreal. These videos were designed to specifically instructs employees that there was a new guy in charge (Patrice Chouinard) and employees were to disregard taxpayer's rights and the agency's values. This video shows the treatment a taxpayer is likely to face when dealing with the Montreal office's Research and Development department: They refer to the taxpayer as Mr. Crocheur (which in English means swindler or crook).
The 1000 employees of the Montreal Tax Service center want to thank Mr. Chouinard and Mr. André St-Amand for the excellent training video.
November 30, 2012 – Bye Bye Cowboy
Wow Francis, merci pour la grande nouvelle… avec tous les détails de corruption que vous possédez sur M. Chouinard, vous avez juste ca à dire? Peut-être ces’t le temps de changer votre employeur…
Nous présumons que la GRC vous empêche de parler du congédiement d’déguiser en retraite de M. Chouinard.
October 30, 2012 – CRA promotes racism
Of course in Quebec there’s plenty of racism to go around (not just at the CRA Montreal tax service office). Below: Celine Forget blocks Hasidic Jews from celebrating in the streets of Outremont. One would be forgiven if for a moment they thought this picture was taken in 1939 Berlin.
That same summer the streets of Outremont were made available for the student protests. But their pain was legitimate.
Even Marois took to the streets to support the students. Pauline states “Last sumher da red square studens they learn to me to play da pots and da pans.”
Montreal’s Ethnic communities have seen it all before. They’ve learnt to adapt.
The CRA counsels its employees to break the Law
Whether it be counselling their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses, acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO… the CRA has no limits to what it is willing to do to to win at all costs.
The CRA regularly provides RCMP with taxpayer information, despite assurances that taxpayer information is held in the strictest confidentiality. Even ignoring the fact that sharing information with the RCMP is, in most cases, against the law.
So we were really not very surprised when the letter above was circulated to several employees of the CRA. The CRA is now counselling employees to ignore section 241, break the law and speak to the RCMP; even though doing so could result in termination of the employee or even criminal charges. It looks like the CRA will search to the lowest end of the gene pool to find an employee that would be willing to sign such a letter.
Additionally, some union stewards actually told union members that they had no choice but to cooperate with the RCMP. Imagine that, unlike other Canadians, (even murderers, drug dealers, and rapists, politicians included) a CRA employee does not have the right against self-incrimination guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (remember that fact the next time you renew your contract).
Instead of counselling employees on breaking the law, maybe employees should be counselled on their rights when being questioned by the RCMP, or CRA internal investigators who immediately turns over what’s been told to them to the RCMP.
As for taxpayer information being shared with the police. We just had to laugh when we saw the article below. Trust us the police and the CRA collaborate on files all the time. When you send in your tax return you might as well send a copy to the RCMP, because audit findings are regularly shared with police; in fact, the RCMP share an office (in the Montreal burrow of Nun’s Island) along with several members of the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office Special Investigations unit. And you can be sure that if it’s happening in Montreal, it’s happening all over Canada.
Roughly 15 years ago, when the union brought up the subject of Special Investigation employees giving information to the RCMP (to the then head of the Montreal Special Investigations department), they were told that he was aware of what was going on, he had warned the employees involved, and as far as he was concerned - if the news ever got out, would deny any knowledge of the illegal sharing of information that was going on, and the employees involved were on their own because he could not protect them.
Even more interesting, when the illegal criminal investigation of the Italian employees of the Montreal TSO began in 2006, the now retired employee leading the investigation was housed by the RCMP in Nun’s Island. Oddly enough that employee was, at one time accused of using the CRA database, for his own personal gain, that employee even had the Sûreté Québec conduct a search in his home for evidence. That said, today, the CRA employ a person who was convicted of the gang rape of a minor! This fact was and is well known at the highest levels of management in Montreal (both CRA and RCMP); however nothing is done about rectifying the situation because that employee is not part of the ‘ethnic community’ that is so despised in the Montreal.
Furthermore, the RCMP will often use the CRA to do what it can’t do directly, even though they’re not allowed to do so. In investigating the former employees of the Montreal TSO, the RCMP got CRA employees to consult FINTRAC “Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada”, even though FINTRAC’s records are barred except in drug trafficking, money laundering, and terrorism cases. Additionally the RCMP got CRA employees to give them information which they directly could not get without first getting a warrant.
Finally, we have documentary evidence that the RCMP have used the news media illegally, providing them with leaked (and sometimes false) information, and we have strong circumstantial evidence that the CRA has done the same (ex-employees and private taxpayers). RCMP, CRA and the news media working a file together.
Next time the CRA comes to audit you, you might be told that you are under audit, but you won’t know for sure if it’s really an audit or is it a criminal investigation disguised as an audit. Maybe you should just refuse to be audited…