Saturday, 25 May 2013

CRA up to their usual lies… now lying to YOUTUBE.


The CRA had 2 videos obtained legally by an employee of the Montreal Tax Service Office, through the access to information act, removed from; falsely identifying the material as infringing copyright.

Despite the fact that filing a false or bad-faith notice could result in severe legal consequences (as the note above mentions), the CRA couldn’t care less about the law…The CRA regularly counsels its employees to commit perjury, and human rights abuses. The CRA is willing to tolerate acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, and even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO…

Way to go, CRA!!!!

Meanwhile, the CRA are in fact the party who may be infringing because some of the videos produced by the Montreal TSO infringed on the images of Batman and Robin, and possibly other characters.

Oddly enough a similar video was produced by the US tax department (IRS) and can be found on YOUTUBE. Too bad the Harper government can't be as forthright with Canadians.

So while we don't have the embarrassing videos to show you we can show you the introductions that went with the videos, below:


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