Saturday, 25 May 2013

Memo to Carole Bartolini


BTW, on the subject of Talbot… when is someone at the government going to do something about this guy. For years taxpayers have been complaining about his abuses.

Does this turkey ever tell the truth? He’s been known to add assets not belonging to the taxpayer when doing Net Worth audits, for example putting one’s parents’ home and property on a son’s net worth, in order to inflate his audit findings.

If you compare his audit findings to the results after appeals, he must be in the lead when it comes to the lowest percentage of audit changes maintained at the appeals level.

He lies continuously. The CRA has in its possession a letter from a well-known tax lawyer, which states in part that in his long history of dealing with the CRA and Revenue Quebec; he has never met an auditor that is basically has dishonest and incompetent. Yet still nothing has been done.

He lies continuously, even after being torn apart by the judges in some of his case: Have a look at Canlii case: Douville (Re), 2009 FC 986.

In one case, the wife whose husband’s corporation was being “audited”/criminally investigated by Mr. Talbot complained to a tax consultant that he often spent long periods basically staring at her chest. Even the CRA should understand that a tax audit should not be a violation.

And when will the CRA address an issue which is much more common than the few instances of auditors taking bribes; auditors inflating their audit findings. Talbot is not the only one, even though he’s one of the bigger offenders. Despite the few cases in the news, many lives have been destroyed by auditors inflating their assessments; it’s like putting an innocent man in jail. Yet the CRA has done nothing about this.

My God, Talbot has been a special investigator for almost 10 years but can’t correctly identify a shareholder appropriation!

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