Monday, 15 December 2014

Corruption Inc.


BumFuckFour months ago we reported that an RCMP electronic surveillance had shown that Yvon Talbot had accepted a bribe from one Montreal businessman and was seeking another bribe from a second businessman.

We are not surprised however, that no action has been taken by the CRA against that employee, in fact no employee has ever been reprimanded for any case of corruption that we have reported on since the inception of this blog.

What we didn’t tell you when we first reported the incident was the amount of the bribe that Mr. Talbot was seeking. Mr. Talbot was hinting at “fixing” the audit file for roughly $2,000,000.

What this tells us is that Mr. Talbot was not asking for such a large sum of money only for himself (otherwise Mr. Talbot would have retired a long time ago). No, this money would have to be shared up the chain of command with the managers who would protect him, in case negotiations went sour (as they apparently did).

In light of this, we wondered who would have benefited had the bribe been paid; and came up with an organizational chart, as seen at the top of the page. Alternatively we prepared a diagram (to the left of the text) for those not “into” organizational charts; it shows you (the Canadian taxpayer) at the top “getting it” from everyone.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

2015 should be another interesting year re. CRA corruption reporting, with the first case going to trial re. Projet Coche (the corruption of federal auditors); Francesco Fazio, June 8 to 15, 2015. Stay tuned.

Monday, 24 November 2014

At the CRA it’s not who you know, it’s who you blow…


With all the talk and recent headlines about Bill Cosby, Jian Ghomeshi, his law suit against the CBC, and Liberal MPs Scott Andrews  and Massimo Pacetti being suspended from caucus amid sexual harassment allegations, it’s a wonder why the Canada Revenue Agency has no office dating policy, and hasn’t quickly drawn one up.

Poor Justin Trudeau. No good deed goes unpunished. This “serious personal misconduct” story has put him in a position where he was dammed if he did something and damned if he didn’t. If he had said nothing publicly, the ever-sanctimonious Thomas Mulcair would likely have criticized him for doing nothing in the face of harassment charges. Because Trudeau did take action, and at the same time demanded that a proper investigative process be set up immediately, he gets criticized for going too far.

Many Canadians felt that Trudeau’s desire to appear like a strong, decisive leader willing to take immediate action, he has pretty much broken every democratic principle we hold in Canada: The presumption of innocence, the right to know what you are accused of and by whom before you are summarily dismissed from your position without pay, the threat of never being allowed to run again, not to mention the instant ruination of their reputations and private lives. (reminds us of at least 1 of the auditors who was unfairly accused of corruption charges and now stands trial… but we digress).

Mr. Trudeau understands what the CRA doesn’t… that even an office fling can pose a risk to an employer, office romances are generally bad for business, as it could open the door to a sexual harassment or discrimination lawsuit. What will it take for the CRA to act? Especially since office romances could lead (and have led) to criminal collusion (bribes) between employees of the CRA.

While head of the Montreal TSO it was generally agreed that Raymond G----- promoted the “ladies” he was sleeping with.

Miron As Director of the Montreal TSO, Miss Francine M---- often made comments about employees regarding their associations with others who she considered shady individuals. We wonder: since when does the CRA control what their employees do on their own time? However since some people like to make comments about others here are a few we’d like to share:

Well Miss M---- maybe the employees should be told about your sexual encounters. Let’s start with Mr. Francois L------; then there were many others while you were in Rigaud, such as Mr. Gabriel C----- and an Italian individual who worked at the CRA and is today facing criminal charges. We wonder what your friends and upper management of the CRA would have to say about that. You see Miss M---- when you live in a glass house you shouldn’t be throwing rocks at others.

CapoDiCapi Speaking of your former lover Mr. Gabriel C-----, here is another individual with a shady past and who has moved and been promoted all the way to Assistant Commissioner. Mr. C-----, for those of you who do not know has been sleeping around with many women at the office, such as Nicole P----- and Monique L------. As a matter of fact these escapades cost him hisNP first marriage. He is now living with a rich girlfriend whose family owns Les Emballages Maska. We wonder if he has disclosed this fact re. the new Conflict of Interest guidelines. 

Mr. C-----, during his days as an auditor tried to influence other auditors to go easy on some of his friends who were being audited. Imagine! The champion of integrity doing this!

Mr. C-----’s good friend, Mr. Ch------ also did his share of sleeping around with such individuals as Monique L------ (our old commissioner) and L----- M---------.

UndressHer Then of course there’s Lucie A-------- who has had (and is still having) her share of shady acquaintances and sexual adventures with every Tom, Dick and Harry. While Claude is away on his ski vacations, she’s contacting people on her “secret” cell phone during business hours. Does she really think people at the office don’t see that?

Let us not forget Guylaine G------- who has also had her share of sexual adventures with managers and staff. How come no one ever mentions these exploits? Why is it that these despicable individuals keep getting promotions?

Miss Claudia Gal is now shacked up with her new boyfriend, Mr. Veillette. Many of their lunches and suppers are paid for by the union. We wonder who paid for Claudia’s trip to Florida with Mr. Veillette. We wonder who paid for your champagne on the beach.

Miss Gal recently took the old director, Mr. Patrice Chouinard to the PSLRB regarding a discrimination issue because she did not get her MG-05. She has always been preoccupied with her career advancement: having a few dances at the Christmas party with Mr. Chouinard did not work for Miss Gal.

RL Then of course we have Mr. Ray Lazzara, our union boss who has stolen funds and also stolen time by not recording vacation time on his time sheets while he was vacationing. Imagine the nerve of this character commenting on others. Mr. Lazzara seems to be pretty busy when he visits Montreal since he spends quite a bit of time with his new fling, Miss H---- R-----. I guess most of you were not aware of this!

Finally, as we reported previously: Discrimination is a common theme at the Montreal CRA office. For example, if your name is Patrick Belanger and get caught having sex with a fellow female colleague, Carolyn Blais, at the CRA offices open to the public, you won’t get fired, you get promoted. If you’re not a Francophone and receive unsolicited pornographic email you could and probably will get fired.

Same goes for if you’re a personal friend of Patrice Chouinard: you can give away the answers to a PM.01 exam in return for sexual favours, and the only thing that will happen to you is you get taken out of the jury for that competition (see note 2 re. RCMP document below); whereas if you’re Italian an you’re caught with notes to an exam, you could and probably will get fired.


What a team!

Hey!! Let’s change subject all this sex talk is depressing, all we do at work is work, maybe we should be sleeping around to get promoted also.

So (to change subject) have a look at the picture below: .


Who’s that buying beer for CRA auditors and investigators? Is that Peter Kostek? He’s the one wearing a suit. From what we are told this person regularly bought drinks for CRA personnel. Anyone see a Conflict of Interest here? Should R&D consultants be allowed to do that? Should he even be at the same table?

But that’s nothing if you look at old issues of the CRA internally generated magazine “Contact”, you’ll find many pictures of CRA officials accepting gifts and awards from outside sources. In Ottawa some personnel have even been enticed with trips paid for by corporations doing business with the government, and tax organizations; yet nothing was ever said about those incidents.

I wonder why? Maybe it’s because the “proper” people benefitted.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

First hand knowledge of CRA tactics from someone who’s been there…


As we’ve stated on numerous occasions this blog was put together to document the wrongdoings and cover ups by the government of Canada. It documents just a little of what is going on at the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) Montreal Tax Service Office (TSO). The situation at the Montreal TSO was so bad that in June 2012 the CRA announced job cuts eliminating the Montreal Special Enforcement division responsible for many of the issues brought up here; this is the audit division which hid the fact that most audits were truly just criminal investigations.

Whether it be counselling their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses, acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO… the CRA has no limits to what it is willing to do to win at all costs.

Today we share a document prepared by Clint Kimery, president of Gunner Corp ( The document, entitled “Predominant Purpose”, details how the CRA regularly crosses the line from "audit" to "investigation"; it exposes the esoteric functions within the investigation sectors of the Canada Revenue Agency mandated to develop prosecutions, using special AIMS Audit Groups that covertly discriminate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.[1]

From the author[2]:

The primary intent of this document is to provide the impetus that advances the law in this area of criminal justice, an area where judicial determinations have traditionally been misguided and improperly rendered from limited fact and opinion alone, which has notably resulted in a zigzag of assumptive judgments easily overturned, often to the detriment of the accused, by a Crown appealing to a higher court.

The secondary objective of this document is to provide legal defence teams, litigating tax prosecutions, with a guide of concise explanations and directives with an exclusive disclosure listing that identifies pertinent disclosure evidence data necessary for full answer in defence with respect to the determination of “Predominant Purpose”.

Click on the link PURPOSE (Revised 2014.02.07).pdf


[1] Clint Kimery, Predominant Purpose (2014.02.07 Revision), 1.

[2] Clint Kimery, Predominant Purpose (2014.02.07 Revision), 1.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014



Back when we first began to blog about the depth of corruption at the CRA, our initial introduction from June 2013 contained the following paragraph:

We need an inquiry. Why do some corporations belonging to the wealthiest families pay no tax? Get audited almost every year? (Even though, apparently, very little is ever found). In the past; have offered employment to auditors while those same auditors are auditing their corporations; and no red flags are raised. Even send tugs to warn auditors to back off or else… See letter dated September 6, 2011.

In that paragraph we were referring to Power Corporation (part of the Desmarais Group of companies):

Back in the early 1990’s, an auditor from the Montreal Tax Service Office (TSO), Maurice Fréchette, while in the process of a lengthy audit of the Desmarais group of businesses decided to accept an offered of employment at Power Corporation. This alone should have raised concerns at the CRA, but for some reason no alarm bells went off. What’s even more bizarre is that around the same time Mr. Fréchette was being investigated by the CRA in regards to a scandal which involved him and his brother falsifying R&D claims. Of course the investigation was dropped when along came the employment offer from Power Corp.

Again in that same paragraph from our June 2013 intro: we referred to an incident where a senior auditor in the tax avoidance department of the Montreal TSO was subjected to threats of physical harm when someone went to his home and bluntly told him to stay away from a certain case he was working on. Well we are reporting here today with reasonable certainty (because the auditor would not confirm anything) that the case in question was Power Corp. Once again no action was taken by CRA management. In fact, we suspect that it was CRA management who hired the thugs…

And again the CRA showed their favourable treatment of the Desmarais family in 2011 when they were given a list of Canadian tax cheats whose Swiss bank-account records had been turned over by a whistle-blower and former IT employee of HSC Private Bank in Geneva.

Our fearless leader, Mr. Harper, before the House of Commons vowed to pursue Canadians who are using Swiss bank accounts to avoid paying taxes “to the full extent of the law”; see article below.

Unfortunately for Mr. Harper, the “HSBC” list included the accounts of 2 sons of Paul Desmarais. So rather than investigate and tax the individuals as they had done in most of the case on the list; the audit into the accounts of the Desmarais pair was suddenly called off.

We have to wonder who benefited from the preferential treatment given to the Desmarais’?

Bribery, collusion, and corruption have been all too common at the senior executive level of the Montreal and Ottawa Headquarter offices for too long.



Thursday, 14 August 2014



  • Surveillance électronique de la GRC révèle qu’Yvon Talbot à accepter un pot de vin.
  • M Talbot a admis en Cour du Québec d’avoir détruit des documents appartenant à l’Agence du Revenu du Canada.
    • Ceci est un acte criminel.
  • Sa récompense est une promotion comme chef d’équipe dans le secteur construction.

Over the past few months someone has been mailing evidence from criminal cases to taxpayers Despicable and ex-CRA employees in the Montreal area. Most people receiving these mailings assumed that an ex-CRA employee turned RCMP informant was the person behind this since that person was providing his social insurance number (SIN) along with other information…

However, since our July 25, 2014 posting mentioned that Yvon Talbot had sent hate mail to a now retired CRA team leader; people aren’t so sure anymore, they’re beginning to realize that it might be Yvon Talbot up to old tricks.

Then we heard about an audio recording making the rounds; a recording which is part of the evidence of a criminal case still to be tried by the courts. Someone had gotten hold of a recording of a taxpayer telling a wired informant that he’d been told that Talbot accepted a bribe: Here’s a transcript of just a small part of the recording:


J’ai entendu qu’il a demandé de l’argent avec un autre, j’ai entendu ça de Talbot.






Il doit de l’argent? Il a demandé de l’argent Talbot? Non. il a toujours dit non.


Il a toujours dit non


Il aurait demandé de l’argent?


Oui, à quelqu’un que j’ai parlé.


Quelqu’un que vous connaissez a parlé pis il vous a dit ça? Mais vous avez dû être surpris?


Non je n’étais pas surpris, parce qu’avec moi aussi je pensais qu’il trouve quelque chose.


Que c’était possible de faire quelque chose?


Jamais, jamais dit, il m’a dit: “O.K. bon. C’est quelle sorte d’arrangement, je voudrais payer, je pourrais te passer“.  Mais c’est parce que ce n’est pas la vérité. Donnez-moi de la vérité…

If you read the above transcript carefully: the taxpayer has been told by another person who had recently been audited by Mr. Talbot, that in that case Talbot accepted a bribe.

The taxpayer then goes on to claim that he wasn’t surprised to find out that Mr. Talbot was taking bribes because in his own audit Mr. Talbot was inflating audit results but never coming clean with honest figures… instead we learn that Mr. Talbot was imprecise about any arrangement always beating around the bush (probably waiting for the taxpayer to make an offer).

Later in the tape it is revealed that the taxpayer is talking about a case we reported to the Commissioner Canada Revenue Agency, Mrs. Linda Lizotte-MacPherson, nearly 2 years ago. Click here to see: October 30, 2012 – CRA promotes racism.

That letter to the then Commissioner speaks of a multi-million dollar tax proposal which had to be written off to zero because we were made to believe that Mr. Talbot had been very racist in his dealings with the taxpayer…

So CRA what will it be? Should Mr. Talbot be fired for being a racist (only about the 100th incident of racism by this same employee)? Or should he be fired for accepting a bribe?

Why do you stand up for an employee who lies on his T2020: Canlii case: Douville (Re), 2009 FC 986.

He lies to judges.

He’s even admitted on the stand to destroying evidence…

You need to fire Mr. Yvon Talbot (not promote him).

Is this what the conservatives had in mind when federal revenue minister Kerry-Lynne Findlay stated: “Our government is committed to cracking down on any misconduct by officials and cleaning up the situation at CRA”?

Mrs. Findlay: we are not impressed.


Thursday, 7 August 2014

I guess the BITCH deserved it…


It’s been more than a year that we reported that an employee of the Montreal Tax Service Office was convicted of taking part in the gang rape of a minor. This person should never have been employed by the CRA; the rape charge should have disqualified him from receiving security clearance, however due to bureaucratic error he was allowed in…

Our post re. David S Gallant had us questioning why the CRA would fire some poor guy for making a video game loosely based on his job at the CRA, while a rapist continues to be employed by the Government of Canada?

So we’re forced to conclude that the Government of Canada has decided to keep this employee because the girl/child who was raped probably deserved it. What else can anyone conclude?

The sad fact is Mr. Prime Minister: Just like we learnt a few years ago when your friend Tom Flanagan  commented about child pornography not hurting anyone because these men were simply viewing pictures; the truth of the matter is that every time someone views child pornography that child is being victimized again and again.

So in the same way: Everyday that that sad sac of shit is allowed to work at the CRA, that child who was raped years ago is raped again and again. Don’t reassign him to another job or another department of the government.





Gone are the days when a man could just sit back with a friend (Tom) and spend the day “just viewing” pictures on the web…


Thank you CRA


The authors of this blog would like to thank the CRA for leaks it regularly provides its managers concerning the ongoing “closed door” arbitration process with fired employees…

So CRA, you’re surprised by the fact that 1 employee has recently won her arbitration… maybe you should look at what you provide as proof for her dismissal… BTW who she slept with was never anybody’s business but her own; the government has no business in the nation’s bedrooms… That said we just have to ask, why is this employee naked in front of the Montreal TSO? :)


Anyways we enjoy the leaks and you will be hearing more about these in the following updates to this blog. Please keep illegally leaking information to your managers, it gets to our ears sooner or later.

Monday, 4 August 2014

André St-Amand (UPDATE)


In May 2014 we posted an article concerning Mr. André St-Amand who had gone from abused to abuser when a couple of years after allegedly receiving a “beating”, he turned on a fellow employee, assaulting her in full view of others at the Montreal offices.

Well, after we wrote that post, it got people talking in the Montreal TSO, as our posts usually do. We overheard an interesting sidebar to this story. It would appear that the employee in question (we called her Julie) heard that Mr. St-Amand would be testifying at the B.T. Ceramics case in a Laval courtroom. As told to us: as soon as Mr. St-Amand witnessed Julie enter the courtroom (while on the stand) he began to cry. I guess Mr. St-Amand didn’t realize that Julie was there just to watch his testimony, and feared that he was going to be questioned by a lawyer about the assault that happened last year.

We also know that one of the witnesses (another female) to last year’s assault was immediately confronted by Mr. St-Amand at her desk, telling her that she’d better not tell anyone what had just happened. It seems like she had the courage to defy this senior manager, and told Julie she would be willing to help. (We did not speak to either of these females because our source did not wish to implicate either of them in our blog).

Friday, 25 July 2014

Jack Triassi


Racism was all too common at the Montreal Tax Service Office in the years before the department of National Revenue was converted to an Agency in 1999 (CCRA); which only 4 years later was again reorganized to the present day Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Unfortunately racism still rears its ugly head at the agency, as we’ve noted in past posts.

BrownNoser Today we’d like to report on an incident involving Jack Triassi.

Back in 2003-2004 while in the position of Manager of Audit SME (small and medium enterprises) Jack Triassi instructed members of a selection committee in a PM-02 competition not to hire any Haitian applicants who might be applying from Revenue Quebec. Fortunately for Mr. Triassi. the investigation into the matter was ended quickly after it began.

The reason why Mr. Triassi was unwilling to hire any Haitian applicants was due to the fact that in the previous training group hired in late 2001, 1 Haitian was fired because he could not do the job... So for one bad apple an entire community were tarnished, ignoring the fact that the vast majority of workers with Haitian ethnicity at the CRA do a wonderful job.

Mr. Triassi however had no problem bypassing the rules when hiring Patrick Bélanger and George Sayegh on the instructions of Michel Gionet. Mr. Triassi also authorized that Marc André Rathé be hired at a higher salary than all of the other colleagues who were hired at the same time at the PM-02 level; just because André Rathé’s father was a CRA director.

To put it bluntly Mr. Triassi was never well liked, he was considered a rat, and back stabber.

So now we find out that in order to deflect scrutiny directed towards him by the RCMP, Mr. Triassi was throwing members of his own community under the bus. On many occasions he volunteered misleading information in an attempt to deviate the attention from himself when he realized that the RCMP was investigating him.

What will the tax community think about you, Mr. Triassi, when they find out about this?

Of course Mr. Triassi is not the only racist at the Montreal TSO: There was a very racial incident Imbecil that happened in the training group hired in 2001; that group included Yvon Talbot; who complained that the English group of employees were making more changes (recovering more income tax dollars from their audit changes) and closing more files than he and his group because as he put it (remember this is the reasoning of a racist) they (the English group) were giving away all their findings just to close a file.

So let’s try and understand this logic… the English group was giving away audit results in order to close files more quickly. How could that be? Logically the group not giving away audit findings would have the better results, no? Or are we missing something?

Some members of the English group asked that Paul Lemieux, the team leader of the training group, fire that racist incompetent clown Yvon Talbot; however Paul Lemieux did not have the heart to do it… which is ironic because today Mr. Lemieux often receives hate mail from that same employee that he helped years ago.

We’ve also been told by the Italo-Canadian ex-employees of the CRA that Mr. Talbot is always prepared to make false allegations against others, but in a courtroom he is easily brought to tears as he recently did in a Laval courtroom when he admitted in front of a judge that he had committed a criminal act by destroying documents belonging to the CRA.

His lies were also prominently featured in affidavits used to order the release of the famous “Bell Centre” pictures to the media.

Mr. Talbot even starred in a RCMP video which has been labelled as 90 minutes of lies by those same ex-employees who’ve seen it. Of course, in the future, he will be given the time to reflect upon his statements and, again, cry on the witness stand.

Monday, 30 June 2014


Carolehoto Bribery, collusion, and corruption have been all too common at the senior executive level at the Montreal, Laval, and Ottawa Headquarter offices for well over 20 years. In the 1990’s Carole Gouin  with the help of colleagues in the Ottawa headquarters authorized the Bronfman’s Family Trust to elude paying over $800 million dollars of taxes. The case captured national attention; the CRA and its senior staff were publicly scrutinized, however, and as usual, nothing was done to these individuals. For her part in the conspiracy, Carole Gouin was appointed as director of the Montreal TSO, a position which she kept until her retirement in 2008.

If you want to read more about the conspiracy, and the public disgust it created:

Additionally, we are aware of at least 2 other files whereby Mrs. Gouin deliberately closed her eyes to corruption in order to help her boyfriend, Mr. Veillette (at Samson Belair).


Maybe, Jean-Guy RCMP, you should get Mme Gouin to name the taxpayers. But of course, we reserve the right to do so in the future…

BTW, if you happen to be interested in reading more about how the richest families evade paying taxes (often with the help of our favourite politicians and the CRA) read “Ces riches qui ne paient pas d’impôts” by Brigitte Alepin.


If you look at the link above “Bronfmans Evade $800 million in Taxes with Aid of Revenue Canada”, and you read the resume of Brigitte Alepin’s book. If you are smart enough you will notice a similar link to the Liberal Party of Canada, in each. Got it? Either way, it’s not that important, because we’re sending out a message to the CRA:

In 2012 the Federal Liberal Party of Canada were paid back for their help in the Bronfman case, when a deal negotiated by the CRA’s Justice Department of Montreal, Ottawa, and of course the taxpayer’s representatives, allowed the taxpayer to evade over 200 million in taxes owed. It was done so secretly that no one at the Montreal TSO (where the problem was originally found) was even vaguely aware that any wrongdoings had happened.

Just to let you know, CRA Ottawa, our contacts run very deep.

So now were talking about a billion dollars of uncollected taxes… a billion here… a billion there… and suddenly were talking about real money.

David S Gallant



Your welcome.

We knew the possibility of you retaining your employment within the Canada Revenue Agency was slim at best, but after much discussion we decided to write that letter. The idea for the letter came from a top executive at the Montreal Tax Service Office who argued that the letter could do you no hard, so why not at least try. We had a contact where you worked, but other than that person we don’t know if others supported you; they probably did, however were too afraid to speak up, they need their jobs; the CRA knows this and uses it to their advantage.

Sad that you were let go for a small breach of code… if it was a breach at all; your union should have had the balls to fight, but for some reason they never do, we wonder why?

Regardless, the CRA would rather have a child rapist (we won’t mention his name again) illegally working for them (at the Montreal TSO) as a computer specialist than you. What does this say about the CRA? What does it say about the Government of Canada? What does this say about people in power?

Friday, 30 May 2014

BLASTS from the past


We decided to write this blog after the CRA had 2 videos removed from Even though the videos had been obtained legally; the CRA contended that the videos posted on that site were infringing on copyright. Of course that was a lie the videos are public property, they were made with “wasted” public funds. Some people even had to go to court to have these videos released.

The videos had a big effect on the CRA. Some actors in the video went on sick leave. These videos even made the news (French Canadian media). When they were brought to the attention of the Conservatives in the House of Commons, the then Minister of National Revenue, Gail Shea, stated that she asked senior management at the CRA to investigate and take appropriate disciplinary measures immediately. Of course the CRA won’t confirm anything, but the production of these videos was just one of the many reasons for Patrice Chouinard dismissal.

YouTube also hosts similar videos (Star Trek) made with wasted public funds of the American version of the CRA (the IRS). For some reason the IRS hasn’t resorted to lying to try and remove those videos... We guess there too busy doing other things.

We decided not to repost those videos here on our blog, since much of the videos we’d received had been censored anyways; the intent of the video was to instruct employees to implicate the Special Enforcement division in all levels in the agency, from customer service to audit. Employees were being trained to disregard the Jarvis case and not follow protocol; hence the censorship.

So without further ado we’ll just post a few photos:


Revenue Canada wants the shirt off your back

This is part 5 of a 6 part training video created under the direction of Patrice Chouinard, the FORMER director of Revenue Canada's Tax Service Office in Montreal. These videos were designed to specifically instructs employees that there was a new guy in charge (Patrice Chouinard) and employees were to disregard taxpayer's rights and the agency's values. This video shows a taxpayer walking out of the Montreal office, after a meeting with a collections agent - the taxpayer is left with nothing but his briefcase.
The message is clear the Harper Government wants nothing less than every last penny the Canadian taxpayer has. Well maybe not every penny, the collections agent who treated this case does offer him a metro ticket so he can make his way home. I guess Revenue Canada wants us to know that they have a sense of humour.


Revenue Canada thinks Canadians are all crooks

This is part 3 of a 6 part training video created under the direction of Patrice Chouinard, the FORMER director of Revenue Canada's Tax Service Office in Montreal. These videos were designed to specifically instructs employees that there was a new guy in charge (Patrice Chouinard) and employees were to disregard taxpayer's rights and the agency's values. This video shows the treatment a taxpayer is likely to face when dealing with the Montreal office's Research and Development department: They refer to the taxpayer as Mr. Crocheur (which in English means swindler or crook).
The 1000 employees of the Montreal Tax Service center want to thank Mr. Chouinard and Mr. André St-Amand for the excellent training video.


For David S. Gallant

We’ve added the first part of the 6 part training video here because this video makes fun of the employees who answer calls at the CRA Montreal TSO. Oddly enough David S. Gallant got fired for venting his frustration about his job, by creating a video game where you run through a customer call at the Canada Revenue Agency. We wrote to Mrs. Gail Shea (here) asking for leniency but to no avail… This one is for you David.







FINALLY we found the following complaint made by the Canada Revenue Agency (once again lying) that the flag of Canada and the name “Canada Revenue Agency” are trademarks of the Government of Canada, and therefore can’t be used without permission. What a joke! At least this time Google told them to go to hell. I think if I was the Government of Canada, I’d be more worried about what is going on in that courtroom in Laval (where your employees are admitting to all kinds of corrupt behaviour), or the fact that we taxpayers continue to financially support a rapist (we won’t mention his name - even though he should have been fired by now).

The complaint may be found here

But we’ve reproduced it here:

DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google

August 01, 2013


Sender Information:
Government of Canada
Sent by: [Private]
Canada Revenue Agency

Recipient Information:
Google, Inc. [Blogger]
Mountain View, CA, 94043, USA

Sent via: online form: Form
Re: Infringement Notification via Blogger Complaint

Google Form: copyright DMCA Complaint of alleged copyright infringement

1. Complainant's Information
Company name: Canada Revenue Agency
Full legal name of the copyright holder: Government of Canada
Country of residence: CA

2. Your copyrighted work
Location of copyrighted work (where your authorized work is located):

The name “Canada Revenue Agency” and the
Canada Flag mark are trade marks of the Government of Canada and may not be
used without the permission of the Government of Canada. Please be informed
that no such permission was granted to the original author or “Pierre
poutine”. Note that Government of Canada trade marks are protected as
official marks under subsection 9 (1) of the Trade-marks Act. The entire
blog contains several defamatory documents posted by “Pierre poutine” that
were created using Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) letterhead without our

Description of the copyrighted work:

The situation concerns material found on
the blog located at the following address: According to the introduction posted by
“pierre poutine”, the alleged owner of the blog, its purpose is to talk
“about the wrongdoing and cover up by the government of Canada.”

The CRA is responsible for administering tax laws for the Government of
Canada and for most provinces and territories and administering social and
economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.

The CRA has reviewed the information contained in the blog postings and is
of the opinion that several comments could compromise the ability for the
CRA to administer its laws and thus hinder its ability to effectively
conduct audits and collections activities.
In addition, we believe that the material posted by “pierre poutine” is
defamatory towards current and former employees.
As such due to the defamatory content and the use of the Canada Revenue
Agency’s name and documents, we demand that the content of the blog be
removed immediately. We also ask to be informed once the material had been

3. Allegedly Infringing Material:
URL of the allegedly infringing material in our search results:


Sworn Statements
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. [checked]

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. [checked]

Signed on this date of:


Nothing here is defamatory… because it’s all true.

Johnathan Lepage and Dany Guay, 20 Million Dollar Babies

If you look back at our letter from February 2010 (available online here) we attempted to warn the then Commissioner Revenue Canada, Linda Lizotte-MacPherson, of very disturbing information we had on 2 employees of the CRA’s Montreal TSO: namely Johnathan Lepage and Dany Guay.

When we first wrote about these employees in 2010 we were not aware that the extortion of money from taxpayers was endemic to the Special Enforcement Division. It apparently was and is still common practice, even though the department has been dismantled; the employees involved still work for the CRA.

Today we hear rumours that the taxpayer who lodged the complaint against these 2 individuals has been given a 20 million dollar reduction. Just as the case was headed before the court the CRA dropped the assessment by that dollar amount, maybe more. The problem for the rest of us taxpayers, who are left on the hook to absorb this amount, is that it’s very hard to get any straight answers… the taxpayer and his representatives are not talking to anyone about the settlement.

We’ll try to paint a full picture from the bits and pieces of information we gathered from our contacts in the Montreal TSO; we can’t report hard / exact figures but from what we’ve been able to surmise we can state the following with reasonable assurance:

  • The CRA and the taxpayer agreed that the money that had already been collected from the taxpayer were sufficient, even though they’d collected less than 25% of the assessed amount.
  • An eye witness to the on-goings stated “I’m not sure what happened, but if you saw Johnathan Lepage and Dany Guay before going into court; they looked like they were going to a lynching (their own). They were absolutely pale.”
  • It would appear that the taxpayer had the employees followed; from what we’ve been told the evidence collected could be labelled “lives of the rich and famous” for how these 2 employees spent their hard earned bribes. :)

So what can we conclude?

Either the original tax assessment was overstated by roughly 20 million in order to create havoc with the taxpayer who was unwilling to give into the demands for a bribe; or the original assessment was correct and the CRA decided to forego collection of the unpaid amount in order to protect the odd couple.

We wonder what kind of information these 2 employees have on the CRA that they would be willing to forego 20 million dollars, we’ll just have to keep investigating until we find our answer.


Signed Bewildered and Confused

CRA decides to change its policy with regards to breach of confidentiality


We were forwarded the email below; it shows that the CRA wants to get serious about employees who breach confidentiality. The CRA are instructing managers to investigate whether criminal charges can be levelled against employee’s caught disclosing information.

Too bad the CRA doesn’t consider its own breach of the law as seriously, in its witch hunt against the employees fired in 2009, and since, it has breached the law hundreds if not thousands of times.

acces non authorises

Friday, 9 May 2014



The President of our AFS group, Mr. Ray Lazzara has decided to travel the country and give ‘Lunch and Learn sessions’. These sessions are very expensive since all the costs associated are reimbursed to Mr. Lazzara. The session held in Montreal could have easily been done by Patrick Sioui.

What is absolutely disgusting about the meeting in Montreal is that Mr. Lazzara did not want to answer any questions up front but stated that he was willing to answer questions after the meeting on a one to one basis. However, he quickly disappeared after the meeting.

Some of the questions we would have liked to ask are the following:

When we signed our last Collective Agreement back in July 2012, we got pay increases which were in direct line with other public servants, a volunteer day was changed to a personal day, and then we lost our unlimited vacation carry-over which was something all AUs greatly enjoyed. As a result of losing the unlimited vacation carry-over, a Manager can now schedule our members’ vacations.

We also gave up our right to engage in timesheet actions in future bargaining rounds. And then to top it all off, we even lost our severance pay, something you had repeatedly said you would fight for, and yet the AFS Group rolled over with the Employer’s first offer.

Incidentally, the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE), CRA’s non-professional staff, have retained their severance pay since they have not agreed to the conditions of their Collective Agreement; which means that they get an extra 2 weeks of severance pay when they retire.

Mr. Lazzara, please tell us why you have flipped flopped on the severance issue? I would appreciate if your response does not contain the dreaded excuse of the government legislating its conditions unilaterally since it has never done so to date. I am also curious to know what are the costs associated with Collective Bargaining for our group? (the AFS Group). How much does it cost in salaries? Meals and travels as well as other costs? We seem to be getting the exact same deal as all other groups in our union and others.

Mr. Lazzara it is very nice of you to come to the Montreal TSO to attend this event (Lunch and Learn) so that you have the opportunity to meet members of this office. May I ask you if you take the same initiative when members request services from their union? For example, back in 2009 when the RCMP raided these offices, did you come to this office to meet any members that were directly or indirectly affected by this incident?

What is the added value of your attendance at the lunch and learn event? Is the purpose of a Lunch and Learn to effectively engage members of the union to better understand how it works and what it does for its membership? Is this not a task that the local union executive could undertake so that someone at your level could be liberated to engage in more serious affairs such as members who are being unfairly disciplined, preparing a line of defence for the new Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policies, which is completely intrusive, and likely violates privacy issues?

Mr. Lazzara, why did the AFS Group blindly agree to the new policies around staffing, which seemingly give Management the right to do whatever they want?? It’s our understanding that the AFS Group was consulting with CRA Management on these policies for more than 2 years, and despite the fact that there are significant adverse implications for our members, the AFS Group did not raise any alarm bells, or try to engage the membership to speak out against the changes? Was it because the AFS Group was too busy travelling the country doing non-essential business, or were you just asleep at the switch and not even knowledgeable enough to realize the damage these policies will do to our members?

Mr. Lazzara, are you here on a volunteer basis or are you being compensated for your time and travels? If you are, can you tell us who pays for your time and travel and the amounts?

Mr. Lazzara, are you aware of the new TB Policies regarding Performance management and the statements made by Minister Tony Clement in that the percentage of people fired from the Public Service because of the performance is much less than the percentage of workers fired in the private sector for poor performance. Does such a statement set-off any alarms in that government policies concerning performance review will take a sharp turn for the worst? Mr. Lazzara, I would like to know what you and the AFS Group plan to do about this, and please do not give me a politician’s response.

The cost of Membership in this union has consistently gone up, we just witnessed another dues hike of $7.00 per member per month which equates to an increase of almost 15%! I understand that as in any other business, the costs of operation increase every year. However, I would like to know if you have held a cost cutting exercise, just like the government has undergone in the past 7 or 8 years. If the government is able to identify some cost savings measures, why are you unable to do the same? In your opinion, is the AFS Group using all the membership funds efficiently or are there areas it can improve on its spending so that we may get better value for our money. For example, I’m not sure why you are here doing this Lunch & Learn, when we have an AFS Quebec Regional Representative who is more than capable, or the PIPSC Quebec director?? How much is this event costing the AFS Group??

Mr. Lazzara, while you were up for election during your last campaign, we noticed that the AFS Elections Committee suspended the election process for a period of a few months. Can you tell us why this was so? We also realized that during that time, you had been removed as President of the Group. Can you tell us why and if the two events are linked, because we believe that they were. Many of our members have heard rumours that you had been caught falsifying your expense reports for more than $50,000, but possibly far greater since the audit of your expenses was terminated; sure is nice to have friends in high places!


During the Lunch and Learn Mr. Lazzara spent his time promoting the new Conflict of Interest Policy and giving examples of the possible violations of section 241 of the Income Tax Act. This was absolutely unbelievable. Is Mr. Lazzara working for Management? Well the answer is yes. Mr. Lazzara seems to be quite close to Mr. Claude Tremblay as can be seen by the attached picture. Therefore Mr. Lazzara is a complete traitor and he has been mandated by Management to promote policies that hurt our members. Shame on you Mr. Lazzara!

Shame on you Mr. Lazzara for falsifying your expense reports and for stealing time when you took vacation without it being reflected on your time sheets. Is this what you’re afraid of?

Mr. Lazzara, you are a traitor, since you sleep with Management and since you have abandoned your members.

Your actions are criminal and you should be fired because after all you are like Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin.

Do the right thing Mr. Lazzara, admit that the party is over and leave before it gets embarrassing.



Bruno Gagniere – Ripoff Report


We recently found this posting on the internet, it was made in 2009.

Obviously some one who was investigated by this tax auditor was upset and decided to make his compliant on the internet for the world to see. We don’t know if the report (above) is true, however we found it odd that similar reports about his fathers’ wrongdoings were never investigated by Revenue Canada’s Internal Audit Division, especially in light of the fact that the CRA suspends other employees (of a different ethnic background) for far less of an infraction.

The ripoff report mentions Bruno’s addiction to gambling, which we did find interesting because as we’d reported last year, Bruno Gagniere was part of the CRA Special Investigators who regularly gambled on-site (at CRA offices) often using money received from taxpayers. Click here.

We knew that a certain Michael Chamas, had made allegations of corruption against Bruno’s father Rene; going so far as suing in federal court Rene Gagniere and others for $385 million.

We also remembered something that we’d read on the internet about Bruno’s father, something about gambling, that his father was addicted to poker and was a regular at certain “massage salons” located on Ontario street (in Montreal). We went looking and found this forum posting made in 2010.

You never know if these things are true, because people who are being audited will make up many a lie to get back at an auditor. Auditor’s are despised, even more than cops, and almost as much as politicians. :)

Still we found it odd that neither Rene or Bruno have ever been suspended. Just as in the case of Johnathan Lapage and Dany Guay, nothing ever seems to happen to auditors of a certain “community”; maybe that’s because their cases are reviewed by CRA employees of the same community. ODD, very very odd.

Anyways you can go and find the forum posting for yourself (we’ve copied a few titles, which you can cut and paste into your favourite search engine), for those of you who can’t read French, we’ll summarize:

  • The posting below is made by the operator’s of an escort agency.
  • Rene Gagniere was asked to infiltrate the agency.
  • During that time Rene Gagniere was abusive with the escorts, trying to gain “favors” from them, with threats...
  • Basically as the writer puts it, it’s a crazy story that was very embarrassing to the government. The posting mentions what was commonly know at the Montreal TSO, Rene Gagniere had friends in high places that  protected him. He was know to be a gambler and to use the the services of massage parlous.

Finally we heard similar stories from other victims of the same Special Investigation unit of the Montreal TSO where Bruno worked, this is how this other story went, same MO, same tactic, to try and get the sucker to offer a bribe or end up paying professionals to fight the CRA:

  • In 2007-08 Special Investigator Yvon Talbot met with an accountant in his Montreal offices to try to rectify a situation whereby the accountant’s client (victim) was issued an inflated tax assessment.
  • After nearly half a day spent on reconciling accounts, the accountant and tax auditor agreed that the actual assessment would be just a small fraction of the 4.2 million dollar originally assessed.
  • A short period later, the accountant got a call from his clients tax attorney who inquired as to why he hadn’t “fixed” the tax assessment when he’d met with Yvon Talbot. It seems that Yvon Talbot issued a follow-up assessment with nearly the identical dollar amounts as the first.
  • The accountant explained to Jules Brossard (tax attorney) that he had spent half a day with Yvon Talbot and they had arrived at a concensus which drastically reduced (corrected) the assessment. He suggested that Mr. Brossard meet with the tax auditor and see if had any better luck.
  • Me. Brossard took up the challenge and met with Yvon Talbot, spending nearly half a day reconciling accounts as the client’s accountant had done previously; with the same result: Yvon Talbot agreeing that his assessment was greatly overstated..
  • So a few days later when Me. Brossard received an assessment with the same inflated figures he decided to write a letter of complaint to the Canada Revenue Agency.
  • So what did Revenue Canada do when they received the letter of complaint? Was the employee disciplined?
  • Not at all, in fact Yvon Talbot’s superiors tried to cover up his transgression by trying to get Me. Brossard to withdraw his complaint in order to get a corrected assessment, which Me. Brossard was not willing to do because, as he put it (not a direct quote), this was the dumbest employee he had ever dealt with in his nearly 30 years of experience in dealing with the CRA.

The Special Investigation Unit has since been dismantled / closed / vanished. Any wonder why?

French text of forum posting re: Rene Gagniere

Des agents spéciaux du fédéral pour recruter des filles dans leurs propres réseaux? La loi sur l'impôt utilisée pour imposer le silence sur des escortes?
Après le programme des danseuses exotiques menacées de déportation, voici celui de l'ARC qui menace les escortes d'aller en prison et d'être obligées de rembourser l'impôt à vie si elles ne collaborent pas...
voici un texte qu'on peut trouver sur le web. Tous les partis politiques semblent impliqués, toutes les polices.
René Gagnière, le loup dans la bergerie ou comment plonger le gouvernement dans l’embarras...

André St-Amand allowed to retire without consequences



We should all be able to remember when André St-Amand was given a “beating” outside a Montreal reception hall a few years ago after a staff Christmas party. (we put “beating” in quotes because from all reports from the Montreal TSO, they didn’t go far enough, because he only got minor bruises…).

No one was ever charged or arrested in relation to that event. I guess no one fitting the perpetrator’s description was ever found, and with the likelihood that anyone of the 6 million Quebecers would have liked to do the same to most employees of the Canada Revenue Agency; the list of suspects is very long indeed.

However we are particularly curious how Mr. St-Amand has managed to avoid arrest for his assault of a female employee (we’ll call her Julie) of the Montreal TSO? After all, she was assaulted in front of witnesses, during business hours, at the Montreal TSO. So why wasn’t Mr. St-Amand arrested?

Maybe Mr. Lazzara (once he’s done working on more important issues, like the Lunch and Learn information sessions he’s doing) can look into the matter… And, Mr. Lazzara we hope you don’t come back with that same old union line: “it’s not like he raped you”… Julie wasn’t amused or reassured when she was told that by one of the union attorneys.



For your information

Mr. Carmelo Infusino has been working for the last ten years, on weekends for a catering company called The Living Room (Club Privé) and is situated at 5687 Rue Paré, Mont Royal.

It goes without saying that his earnings have not been declared. Therefore Mr. Lysykatos please look into this matter as well as the relationship between Mr. Infusino and Mr. Vince Belmonte. Mr. Belmonte is an R&D consultant and has had a long relationship with Mr. Infusino. Don’t forget Mr. Belmonte’s wife, Suzie DeModica is also a Tax Auditor and she works at the Laval Taxation office.

Do you get the picture Mr. Lysykatos?

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Introduction 02-13-2014

This blog was put together to document the wrongdoings and cover ups by the government of Canada. It documents just a little of what is going on at the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) Montreal Tax Service Office (TSO). The situation at the Montreal TSO was so bad that in June 2012 the CRA announced job cuts eliminating the Montreal Special Enforcement division responsible for many of the issues brought up here; this is the audit division which hid the fact that most audits were truly just criminal investigations.

Whether it be counselling their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses, acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO… the CRA has no limits to what it is willing to do to win at all costs.

The CRA recently counselled employees in its Laval TSO to ignore section 241 of the law and speak to the RCMP; even though doing so could result in termination of the employee. Despite the CRA denial, the RCMP “need only ask and they shall receive” when it comes to protected information in the CRA databases. The CRA regularly provides RCMP with taxpayer information, despite assurances that taxpayer information is held in the strictest confidentiality.

When you send in your tax return you might as well send a copy to the RCMP, because audit findings are regularly shared with police; in fact, the RCMP share an office (in the Montreal burrow of Nun’s Island) along with several members of the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office Special Investigations unit. And you can be sure that if it’s happening in Montreal, it’s happening all over Canada.

Next time the CRA comes to audit you, you won’t know whether it’s really an audit or a criminal investigation disguised as an audit; for instance recently the CRA has hired a new auditor at its Montreal TSO. This individual used to work as an RCMP analyst in Ottawa; now we can’t be sure what would motivate a person to apply for a pay cut, but if we were the suspicious type: maybe this person has been hired to do more than just audits. Maybe this person should be asked to investigate how classified and protected information managed to be stolen from the Montreal Tax Service Office’s on René-Lévesque boulevard in the fall of 2011; since (to date) no one has been held accountable; despite the fact that the CRA offices are protected by security guards and cameras. Every detail of the case suggests collusion between CRA senior management and security officials at the TSO. We believe that some of these same individuals supplied an identity theft ring with taxpayer information that also, “just walked out of the front door” of the Montreal TSO.

In this blog you will find over 20 letters addressed to the Commissioner Canada Revenue Agency; these letters didn’t get much of a reaction, or get the changes we wished for, possibly due to the fact that (as we discovered) she was part of the problem and the cover up.

The letter dated October 26, 2011, to the then RCMP Commissioner speaks of a CRA manager who conspired with the then Montreal TSO director to interfere with R&D staff, for their personal mutual benefit. The letter dated September 22, 2010, shows how she was foiled from giving a taxpayer over $100 million dollar break for buying her lunch (what else was she going to receive had she been successful?).

The letter dated November 10, 2011, includes a spreadsheet detailing which former employees of the CRA received (conspired to steal) nearly $1.2 million dollars, for services never rendered, and which they weren’t allowed to receive; and never asked to repay.

If you are a racist, you will enjoy the letter dated October 30, 2012, “CRA promotes racism”, which discusses the promotion received by one openly anti-Semitic employee of the Montreal TSO. You might also enjoy our article entitled “Millionaires waiting to move to Canada, so the CRA can tax them. It discusses how the CRA is targeting 15,000 mainly Asian investors coming to Canada.

See our letter dated June 16, 2010, which shows the director of the Montreal TSO was “buddy buddy” with a convicted money launderer. And, the June 4, 2010 letter, discloses how he managed to give away $57 million to a billionaire, for his personal gain.

See letter dated September 6, 2011, it shows that when dealing with the file of one wealthy individual an auditor received a warning from a tug appearing at his home to “back off or else”. Why do some corporations belonging to the wealthiest families pay no tax? Get audited almost every years? (Even though, apparently, very little is ever found). Have, in the past, hired the same auditors that have just finished auditing their corporations (with no red flags are ever raised).

See the letter dated February 16, 2010, which speaks of 2 special investigators who had asked for a $150,000 bribe, for which these employees received no suspension, and hardly any investigation.

There’s simply too much to write about in this introduction. Do yourself a favour print the entire site and you will have days of reading. And, when you re-read it a few days later, you’ll find how much corruption you missed the first time...

The CRA tells employees “break the law”


Whether it be counselling their employees to commit perjury, human rights abuses, acts of harassment towards female employees of the Montreal Tax Service Office, sexual harassment of a terminated female employee of the Montreal TSO, even physical assault of another female employee of that same TSO… the CRA has no limits to what it is willing to do to to win at all costs.

The CRA regularly provides RCMP with taxpayer information, despite assurances that taxpayer information is held in the strictest confidentiality. Even ignoring the fact that sharing information with the RCMP is, in most cases, against the law.

So we were really not very surprised when the letter above was circulated to several employees of the CRA. The CRA is now counselling employees to ignore section 241, break the law and speak to the RCMP; even though doing so could result in termination of the employee or even criminal charges. It looks like the CRA will search to the lowest end of the gene pool to find an employee that would be willing to sign such a letter.

Additionally, some union stewards actually told union members that they had no choice but to cooperate with the RCMP. Imagine that, unlike other Canadians, (even murderers, drug dealers, and rapists, politicians included) a CRA employee does not have the right against self-incrimination guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (remember that fact the next time you renew your contract).

Instead of counselling employees on breaking the law, maybe employees should be counselled on their rights when being questioned by the RCMP, or CRA internal investigators who immediately turns over what’s been told to them to the RCMP.

As for taxpayer information being shared with the police. We just had to laugh when we saw the article below. Trust us the police and the CRA collaborate on files all the time. When you send in your tax return you might as well send a copy to the RCMP, because audit findings are regularly shared with police; in fact, the RCMP share an office (in the Montreal burrow of Nun’s Island) along with several members of the CRA’s Montreal Tax Service Office Special Investigations unit. And you can be sure that if it’s happening in Montreal, it’s happening all over Canada.

Roughly 15 years ago, when the union brought up the subject of Special Investigation employees giving information to the RCMP (to the then head of the Montreal Special Investigations department), they were told that he was aware of what was going on, he had warned the employees involved, and as far as he was concerned - if the news ever got out, would deny any knowledge of the illegal sharing of information that was going on, and the employees involved were on their own because he could not protect them.

Even more interesting, when the illegal criminal investigation of the Italian employees of the Montreal TSO began in 2006, the now retired employee leading the investigation was housed by the RCMP in Nun’s Island. Oddly enough that employee was, at one time accused of using the CRA database, for his own personal gain, that employee even had the Sûreté du Québec conduct a search in his home for evidence. That said, today, the CRA employ a person who was convicted of the gang rape of a minor! This fact was and is well known at the highest levels of management in Montreal (both CRA and RCMP); however nothing is done about rectifying the situation because that employee is not part of the ‘ethnic community’ that is so despised in the Montreal.

Furthermore, the RCMP will often use the CRA to do what it can’t do directly, even though they’re not allowed to do so. In investigating the former employees of the Montreal TSO, the RCMP got CRA employees to consult FINTRAC “Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada”, even though FINTRAC’s records are barred except in drug trafficking, money laundering, and terrorism cases. Additionally the RCMP got CRA employees to give them information which they directly could not get without first getting a warrant.

Finally, we have documentary evidence that the RCMP have used the news media illegally, providing them with leaked (and sometimes false) information, and we have strong circumstantial evidence that the CRA has done the same (ex-employees and private taxpayers). RCMP, CRA and the news media working a file together.

Next time the CRA comes to audit you, you might be told that you are under audit, but you won’t know for sure if it’s really an audit or is it a criminal investigation disguised as an audit. Maybe you should just refuse to be audited…