Friday, 9 May 2014

Bruno Gagniere – Ripoff Report


We recently found this posting on the internet, it was made in 2009.

Obviously some one who was investigated by this tax auditor was upset and decided to make his compliant on the internet for the world to see. We don’t know if the report (above) is true, however we found it odd that similar reports about his fathers’ wrongdoings were never investigated by Revenue Canada’s Internal Audit Division, especially in light of the fact that the CRA suspends other employees (of a different ethnic background) for far less of an infraction.

The ripoff report mentions Bruno’s addiction to gambling, which we did find interesting because as we’d reported last year, Bruno Gagniere was part of the CRA Special Investigators who regularly gambled on-site (at CRA offices) often using money received from taxpayers. Click here.

We knew that a certain Michael Chamas, had made allegations of corruption against Bruno’s father Rene; going so far as suing in federal court Rene Gagniere and others for $385 million.

We also remembered something that we’d read on the internet about Bruno’s father, something about gambling, that his father was addicted to poker and was a regular at certain “massage salons” located on Ontario street (in Montreal). We went looking and found this forum posting made in 2010.

You never know if these things are true, because people who are being audited will make up many a lie to get back at an auditor. Auditor’s are despised, even more than cops, and almost as much as politicians. :)

Still we found it odd that neither Rene or Bruno have ever been suspended. Just as in the case of Johnathan Lapage and Dany Guay, nothing ever seems to happen to auditors of a certain “community”; maybe that’s because their cases are reviewed by CRA employees of the same community. ODD, very very odd.

Anyways you can go and find the forum posting for yourself (we’ve copied a few titles, which you can cut and paste into your favourite search engine), for those of you who can’t read French, we’ll summarize:

  • The posting below is made by the operator’s of an escort agency.
  • Rene Gagniere was asked to infiltrate the agency.
  • During that time Rene Gagniere was abusive with the escorts, trying to gain “favors” from them, with threats...
  • Basically as the writer puts it, it’s a crazy story that was very embarrassing to the government. The posting mentions what was commonly know at the Montreal TSO, Rene Gagniere had friends in high places that  protected him. He was know to be a gambler and to use the the services of massage parlous.

Finally we heard similar stories from other victims of the same Special Investigation unit of the Montreal TSO where Bruno worked, this is how this other story went, same MO, same tactic, to try and get the sucker to offer a bribe or end up paying professionals to fight the CRA:

  • In 2007-08 Special Investigator Yvon Talbot met with an accountant in his Montreal offices to try to rectify a situation whereby the accountant’s client (victim) was issued an inflated tax assessment.
  • After nearly half a day spent on reconciling accounts, the accountant and tax auditor agreed that the actual assessment would be just a small fraction of the 4.2 million dollar originally assessed.
  • A short period later, the accountant got a call from his clients tax attorney who inquired as to why he hadn’t “fixed” the tax assessment when he’d met with Yvon Talbot. It seems that Yvon Talbot issued a follow-up assessment with nearly the identical dollar amounts as the first.
  • The accountant explained to Jules Brossard (tax attorney) that he had spent half a day with Yvon Talbot and they had arrived at a concensus which drastically reduced (corrected) the assessment. He suggested that Mr. Brossard meet with the tax auditor and see if had any better luck.
  • Me. Brossard took up the challenge and met with Yvon Talbot, spending nearly half a day reconciling accounts as the client’s accountant had done previously; with the same result: Yvon Talbot agreeing that his assessment was greatly overstated..
  • So a few days later when Me. Brossard received an assessment with the same inflated figures he decided to write a letter of complaint to the Canada Revenue Agency.
  • So what did Revenue Canada do when they received the letter of complaint? Was the employee disciplined?
  • Not at all, in fact Yvon Talbot’s superiors tried to cover up his transgression by trying to get Me. Brossard to withdraw his complaint in order to get a corrected assessment, which Me. Brossard was not willing to do because, as he put it (not a direct quote), this was the dumbest employee he had ever dealt with in his nearly 30 years of experience in dealing with the CRA.

The Special Investigation Unit has since been dismantled / closed / vanished. Any wonder why?

French text of forum posting re: Rene Gagniere

Des agents spéciaux du fédéral pour recruter des filles dans leurs propres réseaux? La loi sur l'impôt utilisée pour imposer le silence sur des escortes?
Après le programme des danseuses exotiques menacées de déportation, voici celui de l'ARC qui menace les escortes d'aller en prison et d'être obligées de rembourser l'impôt à vie si elles ne collaborent pas...
voici un texte qu'on peut trouver sur le web. Tous les partis politiques semblent impliqués, toutes les polices.
René Gagnière, le loup dans la bergerie ou comment plonger le gouvernement dans l’embarras...

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