Friday, 30 May 2014

Johnathan Lepage and Dany Guay, 20 Million Dollar Babies

If you look back at our letter from February 2010 (available online here) we attempted to warn the then Commissioner Revenue Canada, Linda Lizotte-MacPherson, of very disturbing information we had on 2 employees of the CRA’s Montreal TSO: namely Johnathan Lepage and Dany Guay.

When we first wrote about these employees in 2010 we were not aware that the extortion of money from taxpayers was endemic to the Special Enforcement Division. It apparently was and is still common practice, even though the department has been dismantled; the employees involved still work for the CRA.

Today we hear rumours that the taxpayer who lodged the complaint against these 2 individuals has been given a 20 million dollar reduction. Just as the case was headed before the court the CRA dropped the assessment by that dollar amount, maybe more. The problem for the rest of us taxpayers, who are left on the hook to absorb this amount, is that it’s very hard to get any straight answers… the taxpayer and his representatives are not talking to anyone about the settlement.

We’ll try to paint a full picture from the bits and pieces of information we gathered from our contacts in the Montreal TSO; we can’t report hard / exact figures but from what we’ve been able to surmise we can state the following with reasonable assurance:

  • The CRA and the taxpayer agreed that the money that had already been collected from the taxpayer were sufficient, even though they’d collected less than 25% of the assessed amount.
  • An eye witness to the on-goings stated “I’m not sure what happened, but if you saw Johnathan Lepage and Dany Guay before going into court; they looked like they were going to a lynching (their own). They were absolutely pale.”
  • It would appear that the taxpayer had the employees followed; from what we’ve been told the evidence collected could be labelled “lives of the rich and famous” for how these 2 employees spent their hard earned bribes. :)

So what can we conclude?

Either the original tax assessment was overstated by roughly 20 million in order to create havoc with the taxpayer who was unwilling to give into the demands for a bribe; or the original assessment was correct and the CRA decided to forego collection of the unpaid amount in order to protect the odd couple.

We wonder what kind of information these 2 employees have on the CRA that they would be willing to forego 20 million dollars, we’ll just have to keep investigating until we find our answer.


Signed Bewildered and Confused

1 comment:

  1. John, why don't you name the taxpayer? I'm certain that taxpayers would like to know.
